Watching Videos and Foreign Language Acquisition: Formulaic Sequences in Focus


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 University of Birjand, Iran


The added value of subtitles for learning a language in out-of-classroom settings has been the focus of some scholars over recent years.  However, there have only been a handful of attempts at examining the effectiveness of viewing subtitled materials when it comes to incidental learning of vocabulary. The lack of research in the Iranian context is particularly noticeable. Understanding the fact that single words, along with formulaic sequences are essential to language learning, this article offers insights into the incidental learning/acquisition of formulaic chunks and single words among a sample of Iranian students of English who watch the same English full-length TV episode in three conditions: with English subtitles (intralingual subtitles), Persian subtitles (interlingual subtitles) and no subtitles. The study followed a pre-test/post-test between-subject design with a control group. The findings suggested that audiovisual input, regardless of the modality (Persian subtitles or English subtitles) had a positive effect on the participants’ overall achievement.


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